Tuesday, June 19, 2018


Tonight's view comes to us from the side as if to say that this look is almost besides the point; it is so utterly forgettable.

A grey and tan striped tie was matched with a plaid shirt which seems like it came from another outfit entirely. I am not sure Alex was giving much heed to his appearance as he donned this look today.

But, as the episode was interrupted by storm warnings, it would seem that we, the audience, did not have much time to give heed to his appearance either.

Alex, tonight your outfit was ugly, but we did not get the chance to look at it much, so you get a free pass.


A water droplet tie trickles into yet another suit, subtly marked with pinstripes.

The tie itself is a deep & lovely shade of blue. The pattern is fun & unoffensive.

Yet, the smug look on our hosts face conveys that he believes he has finally found the tie which will match his pinstriped obsession.

He is wrong.

When looked at closely and discerningly, these two things simply do not go together.

Alex, do not do a disservice to your nice tie by attempting to pair it with a mis-matched jacket.

Sunday, June 17, 2018


Alex's tie tonight went back to a color palate no one has thought of (or attempted to resurrect) since the late 50s. 

Tan, grey and black are the base colors of any outfit, they are not meant to go together in a focal accessory, merely to highlight other things in the ensemble!

Furthermore, the tie spent the whole show off-center in his suit, giving Alex the appearance of a senile old man who does not quite know how to dress himself. 

Next time, Trebek, let's see something more modern and more becoming.

Saturday, June 16, 2018


Unless our host was trying to dress as a deconstructed American flag, his color scheme has utterly failed. 

It is just an ugly tie with a boring suit. 

There is nothing else I can say.

Friday, June 15, 2018


A candy-striped maroon number was the choice tonight, and not an entirely terrible one at that.

While this is never a tie I would pick out myself (on account of it being boring and a little curmudgeonly), the tie suits Alex's personality nicely. 

An academic maroon, interrupted practically and methodically by a set of stripes seems to fit Trebek authentically and comfortably.

Whatever true character the tie has, however, is subverted by yet another pinstripe suit which DOES NOT MATCH. 

I do not know how many fashion failures it will take Trebek to understand that pinstripes hardly go with anything else except other pinstripes! I await the day when our host finally learns that lesson...

Wednesday, June 13, 2018


Purple polka-dots! Now we have hit our stride.

This fabulously fun little number brings out the best in our host's pathetic tie collection. 

With a royal purple background, this tie is not only offset nicely by the set, but also matches the regal vibe of Trebek's demeanor and does not do anything terrible for his complexion. 

Furthermore, the polka-dots send the message that Alex is here not just to demean the contestants or prove his own vast knowledge, but, possibly, he is simply here to have FUN.

Ties can reveal to the public what kind of man you are. Hopefully our host will strive to reveal his personality similarly in the future. 

Fun looks good on you, Alex.


Oh my. Trebek's bashful scowl says it all.

I am not certain Alex could have picked a tackier shade of blue if he tried.

This tie has the distinct honor of being both obscenely shiny, and incredibly lackluster at once.

Not only is it a heinous tie on its own, it is absolutely WRONG when pitted against a gingham shirt.

His manor in the photo I've selected is apologetic, as is fitting, for this outfit was a true mistake.


Dear Alex Trebek,

You have worn this color orange before (perhaps in this exact same tie) and it was a bad choice. 

What do you think it does for your complexion? It makes your skin-tone look sickly and does nothing for those who glimpse it. 

Please do not wear it again.


Monday, June 11, 2018


WOWEE. What have we here????

A grey suit, a gingham shirt, and a red tie, patterned with small suns. Yikes.

Unless Trebek was paying some sort of homage to Dorothy from The Wizard of Oz, it is hard to fathom a universe in which these three items go together. 

Alex's outfit is simply so busy. But not the kind of "busy" which is hurrying around to completing good & important work, the kind of busy which spends years on a terrible project--like the emoji movie, for instance. 

Business is nothing without good taste. That is tonight's lesson for you, dear host.


It would seem that Trebek went blueberry picking before the show tonight, as the color and pattern of the dark, scrumptious is pervasive throughout his look. 

The whimsy of tonights tie is to be admired. It lends our host a fun-loving touch which would otherwise be absent in his stiff demeanor. 

Furthermore, Alex's blazer actually picks up on the color notes in the tie and enhances them, instead of blatantly clashing as happens so many evenings in our host's illustrious career. 

Overall, this outfit elevates Trebek. It would seem he finally dressed for success.


Ahh a sleek paisley aqua number wrapped itself around our host's neck today, juxtaposed with the faint pinstripes of his suit. 

There are only two things that can be said about this look.

1) One should never, ever, wear paisley. It is just ugly. 

2) If one does decide, against all odds, to adorn oneself with a paisley article, one should certainly NOT pair it with pinstripes.

Alex, what were you thinking?


Tonight's look found Alex in a striped indigo blazer, adorned with a floral purple tie.

The story of this ensemble would seem to be a fairytale gone awry on account of its dark color undertones.

While I cannot, in good conscience, insult the tie directly (as it is not too terrible a choice), what I can comment on is the general lack of personality to the look. This outfit simply does not mesh with the brash, verbose and omniscient character of our host. It is too muted, too downtrodden. Trebek would be better suited in burnt oranges or a sleek maroon.

It is important, when making fashion choices, to keep in mind not only the value of the garment itself but also oneself, to consider whether the garment truly fits who one is.