Thursday, March 29, 2018


A mellow blue number with a subtle pattern adorned Alex's neck tonight.

Tucked into a grey suit with a nearly invisible plaid design, the understated nature of Trebek's look did not make one wish to look closer. Indeed, if this viewer's experience is anything to go by, it merely made one wish to yawn.

If the television had a snooze button, our host's look tonight would have hit it easily.

While I do relish an early bed time, 7:30 is too early even for this grandma to be put to sleep. I humbly await the next episode where I sincerely hope to be woken up from this style slumber.


Last night our host took to the stage like a silver stallion.

His slate grey suit, complete with muted pinstripes, made an attempt at whimsy, but failed to stir the heart against his lux silver tie.

Ultimately, the wide collar combined with the white shirt and his grey tuft of hair made Alex look more like an aging grandfather penguin than anything else.


Tuesday, March 27, 2018


The demonic look on Alex's face gives the wrong impression. On this night of nights, our host did not succumb to the dark side like he has in countless other fashion attempts. In fact, one might even venture to say that our host looks GOOD.

The dapper blues and playful polka dots add fun and flounce to Trebek's otherwise judgmental demeanor, leading to a more positive viewing experience.

Furthermore, the fit of his royal blue suit is impeccable.

Tonight, I am a fan. We shall see what tomorrow brings...

Monday, March 26, 2018


Huzzah! Alex looks just fine today.

Notably, his hair is parted to the side rather than the middle, thus drawing attention to his silvery locks which match his tie selection nicely.

There is still a long way to go; his tie selection leaves much personality to be desired. However, tonight's look does not offend too terribly.

The best we've seen from Trebek to date.

Wednesday, March 21, 2018


Tonight's cherry red number with small white accent dots gives one the impression that Alex is running for political office. Dressed in a spiffy patriotic monochrome, he appears as if readying himself for debate.

Indeed, he does have enough self-importance for such attire, but lacks the career to match.

The bright, fire-engine red sticks out putridly against the blue and purple set of his game show, all the while giving his complexion a sickly pink undertone.

At the end of the day, not the best we've seen from our intrepid host.

Tuesday, March 20, 2018


If you're a fan of artificial-grape flavored candy canes, then today was your lucky day.

Alex selected a bright purple tie, offset by diagonal stripes to give some semblance of personality.

Yet, just like artificial grape candy, tonight's tie left this viewer sticking out her tongue in disgust.

Frankly, the selection is cheesy and devoid of substance. It reminds one of a fake flower sitting on a restaurant table in a vase filled with water as a sad attempt to trick diners into believing it is a live plant.


Monday, March 19, 2018


We're back after a march madness hiatus and Alex has the blues: 

The periwinkle tie with navy blue florals, offset by the slate blue of his suit give Alex's ensemble the feeling of a sad picnic.

While the shades of blue are various and sundry, they don't quite match one another leaving a confused and downtrodden feeling to the whole look.

I, too, feel as confused and downtrodden as his outfit when I contemplate the downward trend of Alex's fashion choices to date...

Wednesday, March 14, 2018


The purple theme continues tonight, this time in a slightly more magenta hue and all I can say is....


Alex's face speaks volumes: this tie choice is concerning and disheartening (especially with the hideous grey-grid suit).

Am I foolish to expect more? Sigh.

Monday, March 12, 2018


Tonight, Alex is sporting a lilac tie with a light geometric pattern.

While this selection does not offend the eye, it neglects to make any sort of statement whatsoever. It is the necktie equivalent of oatmeal.

It seems if Alex's tie is not overtly hideous, it is almost always incredibly bland. I await the day when he finally makes a bold, artistic and tasteful choice for his wardrobe.

Friday, March 9, 2018


Tonight, Alex is sporting a purple number with an accenting floral/fern print in white.

While the dark purple color off sets his silver hair somewhat nicely, overall it is a MEH attempt at fashion.

Like how romans wore purple robes to signify their status, Alex's royal purple tie makes it look like he thinks he's better than us.

Combined with the black suit and white shirt, he looks like an awkwardly styled penguin.

You can do better, Trebek.

Thursday, March 8, 2018


Tonight, Alex sported a bubblegum pink & baby blue number, tucked slyly into his grey suit.

Frankly, his selection looked like an Easter candy cane.

The pink of the tie thoroughly clashed with his skin-tone.

Not only was the tie itself ugly as heck, it also did NOT go with the pastel pink shirt underneath.

Big EW from this viewer.