Tuesday, June 19, 2018


Tonight's view comes to us from the side as if to say that this look is almost besides the point; it is so utterly forgettable.

A grey and tan striped tie was matched with a plaid shirt which seems like it came from another outfit entirely. I am not sure Alex was giving much heed to his appearance as he donned this look today.

But, as the episode was interrupted by storm warnings, it would seem that we, the audience, did not have much time to give heed to his appearance either.

Alex, tonight your outfit was ugly, but we did not get the chance to look at it much, so you get a free pass.


A water droplet tie trickles into yet another suit, subtly marked with pinstripes.

The tie itself is a deep & lovely shade of blue. The pattern is fun & unoffensive.

Yet, the smug look on our hosts face conveys that he believes he has finally found the tie which will match his pinstriped obsession.

He is wrong.

When looked at closely and discerningly, these two things simply do not go together.

Alex, do not do a disservice to your nice tie by attempting to pair it with a mis-matched jacket.

Sunday, June 17, 2018


Alex's tie tonight went back to a color palate no one has thought of (or attempted to resurrect) since the late 50s. 

Tan, grey and black are the base colors of any outfit, they are not meant to go together in a focal accessory, merely to highlight other things in the ensemble!

Furthermore, the tie spent the whole show off-center in his suit, giving Alex the appearance of a senile old man who does not quite know how to dress himself. 

Next time, Trebek, let's see something more modern and more becoming.

Saturday, June 16, 2018


Unless our host was trying to dress as a deconstructed American flag, his color scheme has utterly failed. 

It is just an ugly tie with a boring suit. 

There is nothing else I can say.

Friday, June 15, 2018


A candy-striped maroon number was the choice tonight, and not an entirely terrible one at that.

While this is never a tie I would pick out myself (on account of it being boring and a little curmudgeonly), the tie suits Alex's personality nicely. 

An academic maroon, interrupted practically and methodically by a set of stripes seems to fit Trebek authentically and comfortably.

Whatever true character the tie has, however, is subverted by yet another pinstripe suit which DOES NOT MATCH. 

I do not know how many fashion failures it will take Trebek to understand that pinstripes hardly go with anything else except other pinstripes! I await the day when our host finally learns that lesson...

Wednesday, June 13, 2018


Purple polka-dots! Now we have hit our stride.

This fabulously fun little number brings out the best in our host's pathetic tie collection. 

With a royal purple background, this tie is not only offset nicely by the set, but also matches the regal vibe of Trebek's demeanor and does not do anything terrible for his complexion. 

Furthermore, the polka-dots send the message that Alex is here not just to demean the contestants or prove his own vast knowledge, but, possibly, he is simply here to have FUN.

Ties can reveal to the public what kind of man you are. Hopefully our host will strive to reveal his personality similarly in the future. 

Fun looks good on you, Alex.


Oh my. Trebek's bashful scowl says it all.

I am not certain Alex could have picked a tackier shade of blue if he tried.

This tie has the distinct honor of being both obscenely shiny, and incredibly lackluster at once.

Not only is it a heinous tie on its own, it is absolutely WRONG when pitted against a gingham shirt.

His manor in the photo I've selected is apologetic, as is fitting, for this outfit was a true mistake.


Dear Alex Trebek,

You have worn this color orange before (perhaps in this exact same tie) and it was a bad choice. 

What do you think it does for your complexion? It makes your skin-tone look sickly and does nothing for those who glimpse it. 

Please do not wear it again.


Monday, June 11, 2018


WOWEE. What have we here????

A grey suit, a gingham shirt, and a red tie, patterned with small suns. Yikes.

Unless Trebek was paying some sort of homage to Dorothy from The Wizard of Oz, it is hard to fathom a universe in which these three items go together. 

Alex's outfit is simply so busy. But not the kind of "busy" which is hurrying around to completing good & important work, the kind of busy which spends years on a terrible project--like the emoji movie, for instance. 

Business is nothing without good taste. That is tonight's lesson for you, dear host.


It would seem that Trebek went blueberry picking before the show tonight, as the color and pattern of the dark, scrumptious is pervasive throughout his look. 

The whimsy of tonights tie is to be admired. It lends our host a fun-loving touch which would otherwise be absent in his stiff demeanor. 

Furthermore, Alex's blazer actually picks up on the color notes in the tie and enhances them, instead of blatantly clashing as happens so many evenings in our host's illustrious career. 

Overall, this outfit elevates Trebek. It would seem he finally dressed for success.


Ahh a sleek paisley aqua number wrapped itself around our host's neck today, juxtaposed with the faint pinstripes of his suit. 

There are only two things that can be said about this look.

1) One should never, ever, wear paisley. It is just ugly. 

2) If one does decide, against all odds, to adorn oneself with a paisley article, one should certainly NOT pair it with pinstripes.

Alex, what were you thinking?


Tonight's look found Alex in a striped indigo blazer, adorned with a floral purple tie.

The story of this ensemble would seem to be a fairytale gone awry on account of its dark color undertones.

While I cannot, in good conscience, insult the tie directly (as it is not too terrible a choice), what I can comment on is the general lack of personality to the look. This outfit simply does not mesh with the brash, verbose and omniscient character of our host. It is too muted, too downtrodden. Trebek would be better suited in burnt oranges or a sleek maroon.

It is important, when making fashion choices, to keep in mind not only the value of the garment itself but also oneself, to consider whether the garment truly fits who one is.

Wednesday, May 9, 2018


Although spring has sprung, our host has clothed himself in fall colors tonight. 

The blue undertones of the shirt and suit bring out the bright orange of the tie, emphasizing its bold pumpkin color. 

Since the tie is monochrome, it is difficult to find fault in it (save its being out of step with the season). 

The only true travesty tonight is the undertones it brings out in Trebek's skin tone, giving him a peachy glow which is not nearly as sweet and attractive as it may sound in writing.


Tonight, Trebek sported white suns on a red tie atop a blue gingham shirt. He looked as though one went for a picnic on a particularly hot day and got a radically pronounced sunburn.

It is difficult to say what may have been running through our hosts mind as he crafted this ensemble. With the overwhelming grey of the suit, he appears almost like a confused pigeon who is uncertain how he came to be wearing such bold and clashing things around his neck-area.

One hopes that Trebek's awkward and embarrassed smile (as seen above) is a sign of remorse for his fashion choices. As they say, the first step to solving a problem is recognizing that you have one. Perhaps Alex is turning a corner in the self-awareness of his style faux pas.

Friday, May 4, 2018


Much like a craisin combines cranberries and rasins in a provocative flavor combination, tonight, our host's tie combined a deep purple and a maroon in an interesting swatch of color.

Other than the regular diagonal ivory stripes cascading down the necktie, there is nothing remarkable about this selection. As Trebek's expression insinuates, this tie makes one think "ah. why?"

In my unprofessional opinion, anything which looks like it has been dipped in a bog should not be worn to one's place of business.

The bland pattern does nothing remarkable to redeem the ugly color and, thus, we are stuck on this muggy Thursday evening with a jarring example of mediocrity. Sigh.

Thursday, May 3, 2018


Tonight, Trebek adorned his neck with a tie reminiscent of cherry blossoms. The bold red with round pastel pink accents is a fine color combination for our host, and not nearly as offensive as some of the bold red ties we have seen to date.

The issue in this look is not in the tie itself, but in the shirt underneath. The very light pink color gives off the impression that Alex put a white shirt in a load with some colors, staining it this ever-so-slight hue.

Any outfit with colors so subtle as to make us question the laundry habits of our host fails to make a sufficient fashion statement and, for that reason, I believe this look to be a failure.

Wednesday, May 2, 2018



A grey plaid suit, a very very blue shirt and a purple patterned tie. I would play a game of "one of these things is not like the other" but, the fact is, ALL of these things are not like each other. 

It is a mystery that Alex has his glasses on in this episode because it would appear that he got dressed utterly blind. 

The heinously bright blue of the shirt does not match the undertone of blue in the plaid of the suit. The plaid clashes with the pattern on the tie. And everything falls just short of matching the colors of the set behind our host. 

I hardly know where to begin except to say that never in any kind world should these three items be worn in the same outfit. They repel each other (and the viewer) like oil and water.

Trebek should know that, just because one is hosting a trivia show, does not mean one should dress trivially. 


OH MY. What have we here...

It would appear our host has clothed himself in an art-deco patterned purple number atop a shirt with some kind of contrasting print. The displeasure on Trebek's face is indicative of what we all feel when we see two perfectly fine pieces of clothing paired disasterously in a manner which only serves to make them both look much WORSE than they actually are. 

Just like one person can be a perfectly fine dude, but simply should absolutely not be married to a certain gal, most items of clothing are perfectly decent on their own, only made terrible by what they are paired with. 

Accessorized with a light grey shirt and a charcoal blazer, this tie might look rather nice. However, as it is, this viewer finds it highly distasteful.


Tonight, a royal blue tie sat atop Trebek's Dorothy-style gingham shirt. While our host seemed to think the shade of blue on his tie was complemented by that on his shirt, the difference in shade was actually rather distasteful, leading one to think he spent little time putting this ensemble together.

More notable, however, was the attire of one of his contestants who made Alex look radiant by comparison:

Gosh some people just don't know what color looks good on them....

Tuesday, April 24, 2018


Ahhh, indigo florals...

Tonight's photo was taken from a distance to serve as a metaphor for the span of time between when this kind of pattern was in vogue and today's modern sense of fashion. 

Trebek's tie tonight looks as though it was clipped from someone's curtains in the early 1900s. 

While this vintage textile could look rather hip on someone else, perhaps alongside a more dressed down coat, combined with Alex's classic stodgy grey number, the selection only serves to make him look dated and old. 

Like his face insinuates in the photo, this tie is a big "no, I don't think so" as far as this viewer is concerned.


Tonight our host was clad in geometric blue, much like a stack of highly-ordered, diseased blueberries.

What this selection lacks in personality, it makes up for in professionalism. It lends Trebek the appearance of a robot: as if he could do anything he set his bespectacled mind to efficiently and mechanically.

A spiffy, yet highly underwhelming choice from Alex tonight.

Wednesday, April 18, 2018


Ahh the blue and yellow tie: a Trebek classic. 

Though Alex represents his brand nicely by wearing pastel versions of his show colors round his neck, the overall impression of this style choice is one of tackiness. 

He looks like someone who didn't know what to wear to a Hanukkah party.

Furthermore, our host has a new hair cut which isn't doing him any favors. Trebek looks dated and out of touch, like a well-meaning, ill-informed, uncle who shows up on holidays for the food, yet has no taste in any other matters.

For all the knowledge Alex possesses, one would think he would know how to dress well by now. 


The tie?

The shirt underneath?
(though not quite visible in this photograph)
ABSOLUTELY HEINOUS. Trebek's shirt tonight was a pink, blue and yellow checkered number like a tacky easter picnic blanket. This is a shirt not meant to be seen by the human eye. A true act of atrocity.

Friday, April 13, 2018


This Friday the 13th, Alex's tie was unlucky.

The grey and green plaid exuded disgust and general mediocrity.

A major "EH" from this viewer.

Thursday, April 12, 2018


Haven't we seen this tie before??!?

Alex, if you're going to copy fashion from someone, pick someone fashionable like Tim Gunn or Ryan Gosling. Don't copy your OWN style!

Here is Trebek's look from April 3rd to illustrate my frustration:

If our host can find no better style icon to inspire his choices than his past self, then this fashion crisis runs deeper than I ever imagined....


Wednesday, April 11, 2018


Tonight, Alex shocked viewers and contestants alike (see right photo for a cited example of such a reaction) as he strode onto the stage in his ladybug garb.

The red and black spotted tie gave Alex the distinct appearance that he would rather fly away than continue spouting his patronizing corrections as the poor college students in tonight's tournament fumbled their way through.

This was a tie choice from Trebek that really makes one think. While it is not fashionable, per say, it is indeed evocative and incites a distinct pensive reaction from all those who glimpse it.

I am tempted to ponder the ramifications of the ladybug or to wax on about the precise shade of red (which is neither glaring nor muted). I am tempted to consider the metaphor of a little bug tucked inside a large suit. This tie draws us to symbol and meaning, away from the more mundane style concerns.

Tonight, our host gave us a statement (a feat which must be applauded whether or not we believe the statement to be a fashion success). A toast to more bold choices from you, Alex!


For night two of the College Championship, Alex selected a tie complete with a pastel plaid pattern, whose color can only rightly be described as "frat-boy-pink."  

The smug appearance in the first photo doesn't lie: his outfit did, indeed, lend our host an extra dash of ego tonight. 

The second photo, however, is more emblematic of the viewer's response to Trebek's selection: scared, a little bit worried, and filled with the knowledge that Alex has made a mistake. 

Until next time, where I anxiously await what fashion fopaux may come...


After a short hiatus from my Jeopardy viewage, I come back to Alex's fashion with new eyes. However, even these fresh pupils can't discern what exactly is on Trebek's tie tonight. It would appear to be some kind of miniature building or crest of some kind.

Needless to say, the unintelligible pattern combined with the dark maroon and grey color palate give our host the vibe of an aging bureaucrat. In this outfit, one can easily imagine Trebek sipping a tepid cup of english breakfast and lecturing on what things were like "back in his day."

All in all, not the most youthful and personable look we have witnessed to date.

Thursday, April 5, 2018


Tonight, Alex's blue, red and grey plaid number looked like a failed experiment at a 3D illusion. (Either that or a heavily veiled illusion to the Who song by the same name...).

There is something quite boyish and blunt about this look which does not cast our host in a favorable light. The juvenile pattern and firetruck red color accents make Trebek appear angular and hard.

Grow up, Alex. Pick a better one next time!

Tuesday, April 3, 2018


Our intrepid host accessorized in a geometric indigo tonight, tucked into the muted grey of his suit which hung rather largely, as if he had either lost weight or gained shoulder-pads since last wearing it.

While it is my custom to go on for a little while about the stylings and make prudent analogies to illuminate the truths about Trebek's tie selection, tonight's pick is so deeply "meh" that I find I have little to say.

I was not wowed, neither did I stick out my tongue in disgust. I merely shrugged my shoulders and turned my thoughts to other matters.

I fervently hope that, tomorrow, Alex will stir more of a reaction in me than the blankness and boredom his fashion elicited tonight.

Monday, April 2, 2018


A sweet smile adorns our hosts face as he boast his blue polka-dotted number to ring in the spring season.

His face speaks the truth: this tie is a humble and nice choice.

Fun without verging on tacky and eye-catching without drawing attention for the wrong reasons, his blue dotted stylings bring out the (seldom seen) humble side of our host.

While it lacks some uniqueness and could benefit from a touch more personality, the chic blue color and funky texture bring out some of the best in Alex's wardrobe.

Perhaps it is the spring air getting to my head, but, tonight, I find myself utterly unoffended by Trebek's tie. Indeed, I almost enjoy it...

Thursday, March 29, 2018


A mellow blue number with a subtle pattern adorned Alex's neck tonight.

Tucked into a grey suit with a nearly invisible plaid design, the understated nature of Trebek's look did not make one wish to look closer. Indeed, if this viewer's experience is anything to go by, it merely made one wish to yawn.

If the television had a snooze button, our host's look tonight would have hit it easily.

While I do relish an early bed time, 7:30 is too early even for this grandma to be put to sleep. I humbly await the next episode where I sincerely hope to be woken up from this style slumber.


Last night our host took to the stage like a silver stallion.

His slate grey suit, complete with muted pinstripes, made an attempt at whimsy, but failed to stir the heart against his lux silver tie.

Ultimately, the wide collar combined with the white shirt and his grey tuft of hair made Alex look more like an aging grandfather penguin than anything else.


Tuesday, March 27, 2018


The demonic look on Alex's face gives the wrong impression. On this night of nights, our host did not succumb to the dark side like he has in countless other fashion attempts. In fact, one might even venture to say that our host looks GOOD.

The dapper blues and playful polka dots add fun and flounce to Trebek's otherwise judgmental demeanor, leading to a more positive viewing experience.

Furthermore, the fit of his royal blue suit is impeccable.

Tonight, I am a fan. We shall see what tomorrow brings...

Monday, March 26, 2018


Huzzah! Alex looks just fine today.

Notably, his hair is parted to the side rather than the middle, thus drawing attention to his silvery locks which match his tie selection nicely.

There is still a long way to go; his tie selection leaves much personality to be desired. However, tonight's look does not offend too terribly.

The best we've seen from Trebek to date.

Wednesday, March 21, 2018


Tonight's cherry red number with small white accent dots gives one the impression that Alex is running for political office. Dressed in a spiffy patriotic monochrome, he appears as if readying himself for debate.

Indeed, he does have enough self-importance for such attire, but lacks the career to match.

The bright, fire-engine red sticks out putridly against the blue and purple set of his game show, all the while giving his complexion a sickly pink undertone.

At the end of the day, not the best we've seen from our intrepid host.

Tuesday, March 20, 2018


If you're a fan of artificial-grape flavored candy canes, then today was your lucky day.

Alex selected a bright purple tie, offset by diagonal stripes to give some semblance of personality.

Yet, just like artificial grape candy, tonight's tie left this viewer sticking out her tongue in disgust.

Frankly, the selection is cheesy and devoid of substance. It reminds one of a fake flower sitting on a restaurant table in a vase filled with water as a sad attempt to trick diners into believing it is a live plant.


Monday, March 19, 2018


We're back after a march madness hiatus and Alex has the blues: 

The periwinkle tie with navy blue florals, offset by the slate blue of his suit give Alex's ensemble the feeling of a sad picnic.

While the shades of blue are various and sundry, they don't quite match one another leaving a confused and downtrodden feeling to the whole look.

I, too, feel as confused and downtrodden as his outfit when I contemplate the downward trend of Alex's fashion choices to date...

Wednesday, March 14, 2018


The purple theme continues tonight, this time in a slightly more magenta hue and all I can say is....


Alex's face speaks volumes: this tie choice is concerning and disheartening (especially with the hideous grey-grid suit).

Am I foolish to expect more? Sigh.

Monday, March 12, 2018


Tonight, Alex is sporting a lilac tie with a light geometric pattern.

While this selection does not offend the eye, it neglects to make any sort of statement whatsoever. It is the necktie equivalent of oatmeal.

It seems if Alex's tie is not overtly hideous, it is almost always incredibly bland. I await the day when he finally makes a bold, artistic and tasteful choice for his wardrobe.

Friday, March 9, 2018


Tonight, Alex is sporting a purple number with an accenting floral/fern print in white.

While the dark purple color off sets his silver hair somewhat nicely, overall it is a MEH attempt at fashion.

Like how romans wore purple robes to signify their status, Alex's royal purple tie makes it look like he thinks he's better than us.

Combined with the black suit and white shirt, he looks like an awkwardly styled penguin.

You can do better, Trebek.

Thursday, March 8, 2018


Tonight, Alex sported a bubblegum pink & baby blue number, tucked slyly into his grey suit.

Frankly, his selection looked like an Easter candy cane.

The pink of the tie thoroughly clashed with his skin-tone.

Not only was the tie itself ugly as heck, it also did NOT go with the pastel pink shirt underneath.

Big EW from this viewer.